Hey I am Tanish Shah

I am a Data Science (CS + STAT) major at Simon Fraser University. I love to combine my interests in full stack development and data science together, to build meaningful projects. 👨‍🎓💲📈

I have experience in Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Go, React, NextJS, Flask, ExpressJS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase, Jest, Selenium, JUnit, pandas, PySpark, NumPy, matplotlib, seaborn and scikit-learn. 🚀💻

I am currently trying to expand my knowledge about Docker, AWS, functional programming and backend web development in more performant languages such as Go and Rust. 😎🧠

Find my resume here

github contribution chart

Feel free to connect with me for internship opportunities!

Sexy photos of Tanish Shah

Work Experience

Operto Guest Technologies Logo Operto Guest Technologies
Junior Full Stack Developer
Sep 2023 - Apr 2024
Health Canada Logo Health Canada
Junior Full Stack Developer
Jan 2023 - Apr 2023
eWorx Technology Ltd Logo eWorx Technology Ltd
Backend Software Developer
Sep 2022 - Nov 2022

Technical Projects


An anime image board that allows users to share, comment and search content. Users can also interact with the community through a friendship and private chatting DM feature.

Sveltekit TypeScript Redis PostgreSQL Firebase Prisma Tailwind Flowbite
Github Repo


An AI-driven quote generator, that automatically posts uniquely generated quotes on social media platforms like Instagram or Reddit daily. It was trained on a large dataset of existing quotes from various media sources, which were categorized by their themes.

Python ChromaDB Pandas Langchain Selenium
Github Repo

Amazon Reviews Sentiment and NLP Analysis

An in-depth analysis of over 1 million Amazon product reviews from customers, which were randomly selected from a dozen unique categories. The goal was to measure average sentiment on products, whether different product categories had different sentiments, and if the product category could be predicted, given an existing review text.

Python Pyspark Pandas Matplotlib Scikit-learn Spacy
Github Repo


A fast, concurrent web crawler that aggregates textual HTML elements from a single host, in a breadth-first fashion. It also serves as a CLI-like tool, where arguments such as format (JSON, YAML, etc), search depth and domain can be specified.

Go Colly
Github Repo


A desktop music player application that allows the user to create, delete, and save playlists of MP3 songs. All the playlist data is persisted locally with JSON.

Java Swing UML JUnit
Github Repo


A meetup web app designed to make it easier for Canadian post-secondary students with common interests and hobbies to come together. Authenticated users are assigned to a school hub, which matches their geographical location, where they can interact with the community and host public meetup events that other users can attend.

Python Flask MongoDB HTML CSS Bootstrap
Github Repo


A pokemon querier that finds basic information about a Pokemon, given its name using the PokeDex API.

ReactJS TypeScript HTML CSS
Github Repo

Anime Recommender

An anime recommendation engine that suggests the best matches from the MyAnimeList database, given input features such as rating, genres and synopsis wording. The algorithm uses some fancy Word2Vec vector and distance ball tree computations, to get predictions based on the user inputs.

ReactJS TypeScript MaterialUI FastAPI Pandas NLTK Scikit-learn MySQL
Github Repo